Dear Mr. Sam,
Thank you for the compliment and since i share the same view about early exposure of the babies to languages and to any sorts of brain enrichment i would like to say that what i noticed through my experience are the following:
1. 1st year baby: most of them were attentive to the different activities however they don't need too many different ones as repetition is a main key for them to understand their role in the game. Once they got it the same game should be repeated adding a further step and so on. It was amazing seeing them trying to talk or laughing as soon as they recognize a song or a game - inasmuch as the steps to reach to a baby brain is first to make him feel secure, second to repeat till it's familiar to him, third they will open their brain and start memorizing, four they will try to communicate what they have already registered through physical manifest of happiness (either jumping in their parents hands or laughing) or making sounds (baby talks).
2. 2nd year baby: was repeating most of the words taught - too many of them were repeating sentences - and some of them knew how to answer back to a question - the parents were amazed when they saw their kid answering with the right answer. I have received too many thanks from parents telling me that their kids learned a lot from me. I didn't have a standard frame for all the kids with the same age - i had a frame for each kid - i had a general one and then an individual according to each kid ability to learn - i was giving more to a kid who was learning fast and less to a kid who was struggling just not to discourage him but always to compliment his efforts. Since the baby brain starts wiring itself in the womb and continue after birth, the baby is ready for just anything. But because it's all new to him, he needs to take time to get familiar with the new situation.
3. 3rd year baby: have already a certain personality so his contribution in the game will not be only repeating what i say or do but add his manners and character to it. As a result too many parents witnessed beautiful funny reactions from their kids. A 3-4 year old was super fun to teach as the kids get all the different old or new stuff almost immediately and they engage more with the teacher. That was encouraging me to be more creative and was taking advantage to feed their brains with more knowledge.
The only downside i noticed about the parents and not the kids is that they force their kid to learn - the same kid was nervous and hyper in the class when one of his parents was with him and relaxed and concentrated and happy about learning when alone or with the "cheche". Parents should be told that there's no point in forcing their kid to learning it's totally the opposite as the kid will soon hate to learn not because anything wrong done inside the class but because he's forced.
Learning should always be a pure enjoyment - kids need to show that they are having fun whilst learning - i had too many games to teach the verbs (i managed to teach 43 new verbs to all the ages through games and all the babies regardless the age learnt most of them. Eventually i started putting the verbs taught in wrong sentences and ask the kids to tell me if what i said is right or wrong and they were all answering that i was wrong and then i gave the right sentence and they all agreed on it - all through fun games).
The other thing i noticed about some parents is that they think they have the right to manage the class as long as they are paying to one kid in this class even though they know nothing about neither the language nor teaching - most of their remarks were wrong but they like to give their instructions and know that they are followed. That was a hassle to the other parents, to their kids classmates and to the teacher. I leave these notes in your capable hands and i'm pretty sure that you know how to solve them.
If intelligence is the ability to learn, then babies are born geniuses. It was an awesome experience i wish i could have done it for a longer period of time. Seeing the baby progress and knowing that i'm part of the reason why this baby who born as genius has the chance to keep his intelligence level high, the feeling was just amazing.
Thank you again Mr. Sam for everything and i mean it; you have opened my eyes to such an exciting world of teaching babies and i can say that i did benefit not only from the work experience but as a well from a prenatal teaching for my baby.
Wish you all the best in your business as you are helping the future society to be built on geniuses.
Best of luck,
(R)(French teacher in Le Beaumont until her emmigration to Australia)