All parents, whether they are musically-inclined or not, have certainly sung various songs to their children. We sing to soothe a crying baby, to rock him to sleep, to entertain and interact with him. Research has shown that singing, in actual fact, benefits the brain.
According to, a parenting website, "children who grow up hearing music, singing songs, and moving to the beat are enjoying what experts call ‘a rich sensory environment’. That’s just a fancy way of saying a child is exposed to a wide variety of tastes, smells, textures, colours, and sounds".
Researchers believe this forges more pathways, or neural connections, between the cells in their brains.
When children sing and move to music, both the left and right hemisperes of their brains are activated, stimulating learning and memory. A simple example will be the Alphabet Song – by singing it a number of times, children can memorise the entire alphabet with ease and enjoyment. Wed, 23 Dec 2009
The first year is crucial to brain development. Leaving your baby behind at home with a helper doing nothing is not an option. The Gifted Babies Program creates a highly interactive program of songs, games, stories and interaction with other babies, stimulating the healthy development of the brain and the learning of the key speech sounds. The contrast is big. The outcomes are obvious.