Posted by NEJM • April 7th, 2010 •
Marion Nestle, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Tucked away on page 455 of the 906-page health care reform act (Public Law 111-148) is a provision for listing calorie counts on the menu boards of chain restaurants or adjacent to each food offered in vending machines and in retail stores.
Establishments with 20 or more locations nationwide must post calories “in a clear and conspicuous manner,” along with “a succinct statement concerning suggested daily caloric intake” — presumably the 2000-kcal-per-day standard that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) uses for the “Nutrition Facts” on packaged foods.
When the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 went into effect in 1994, it required that nutrition labels be placed on food products but exempted restaurants. The new law removes that exemption.