
Early learning is the key to our future

With 90 percent of brain development happening before age 5, some of our most important workforce preparation begins before kindergarten. The overwhelming evidence that early learning is the key to our future has led national business organizations like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers to support investment in early childhood.

Connecticut’s academic achievement gap has shed light on a serious preparation gap that begins before our poorest children even walk through the kindergarten door. By focusing the state’s early childhood education efforts — currently residing in multiple state agencies — the state can be more effective and efficient in its efforts.

The time has come to get Connecticut’s early childhood programs on track so that all of our children are prepared for life-long success. Connecticut’s philanthropic community stands poised to help jump-start the process of focusing the state’s efforts. Working effectively and efficiently, a Department of Early Education and Child Development would help our children become successful, contributing members of our state. When our children succeed, our state succeeds.

Paul Wessel
Executive Director, CT Parent Power
Steering Committee Member, CT Early Childhood Alliance
