Dear Rebecca,
You can book your trial class in any of our 3 centres, in Causeway Bay, TsimShaTsui or the Admiralty.
You need to conduct a route search with your domestic helper to find out which one is the most convenient route. You need to train her up about road safety awareness. Cross only in zebra crossing. Never rush. She can learn.
Parenting is about the development of the whole child, physical, emotional, language and intelligence. Le Beaumont's Gifted Baby's program is designed for the all round development of EQ, IQ & LQ. Language is a means. The end is personality development, IQ and readiness for schooling.
Travel is only a technical issue. Brain development is the strategic issue. Focus on the strategic issue. Technical issues can always be solved, with a little bit of extra effort. Brain develops very fast for baby. You baby's brain needs nourishment, every day.
Mom is the best tutor. There is not the slightest doubt about it. Mother tongue is just as important as any foreign language. You need to talk more to your baby, every day, before going to work and after coming back from work. Wake him up. He can adjust his sleeping pattern easily.
So there is no need to bring your child to the learning centre on Sats or Sundays. Bring him to the park, to shopping malls or restaurants. On the days you are away at work, send your baby to Le Beaumont, to play, to mix with people and to pick up different languages.
Baby is a genius in picking up languages. Le Beaumont has native graduate teachers from 6 countries. It is the best in the world. But a 3-month old baby will be quite tired after using his brain intensively for one hour, in a playgroup. An hour a day is enough. The journey to and from the centre is itself provides a lot of stimulation which is good for your baby.
Brain develops very fast. And the early experience affects brain architecture.
A stimulating environment nourishes creativity & a love for learning. Spoon feeding stifles interest in learning. A lot of parents overlook this to the detriment of their child, for life. And they miss the opportunity for life.
Your child will be able to speak English, Putonghua, French, Spanish and Japanese with perfect pitch. Your child's English and Putonghua will be comparable to native speakers from London or Beijing! This is the most important investment for your child. It needs wisdom, vision and determination.
You can look up more information about early brain development, early language acquisition and our program on our website. The findings come after 6 years of R & D, with tens of millions in investment, and massive successful cases.
When you visit our centre, take a look at other babies and see how they enjoy the experience. Talk to moms or grandmas you meet. Share their experience.
And kindly let me know how you find this learning centre.
Best regards,