IF you want to boost your brain-power and maximise your memory, start scoffing some of these.
From strawberries to salmon, these foods are packed with nutrients that will make your grey matter great and guard against problems such as depression and even brain tumours.
ALL berries are rich in antioxidants, which can help reduce stress in the brain.
1. STRAWBERRIES, in particular, contain a flavenoid called fisetin which can improve memory but blueberries are the best for ageing grey matter.
2. CHOLINE, key for brain development and memory, is abundant in egg yolks. The nutrient is especially important for children under seven because their grey matter is in the early stages of development. But eggs are high in cholesterol, so be careful.
3. FRESHLY-GROUND coffee beans are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and amino acids. Several studies have shown regular coffee drinking can reduce the risk of dementia. And research in South Korea found it can even slow the growth of brain tumours.
4. SALMON and other oily fish are high in omega-3 fatty acids. These acids contain DHA, which helps the brain transmit signals. Low levels of DHA can result in memory loss, lack of concentration or mood disturbances and, in worst cases, depression, schizophrenia and autism.
5. NUTS contain lots of brain-healthy vitamin E, which can help prevent memory loss due to ageing. Walnuts, like salmon, are also packed with omega-3. Cashews are rich in magnesium that allows more oxygen into the brain's blood cells. Peanuts contain grey matter-boosting choline.