
Joint Letter from Police Chiefs to the Congress

April 22, 2011
Dear Member of Congress:
The more than 5,000 police chiefs, sheriffs, prosecutors, attorneys general, other law enforcement leaders, and victims of violence who are members of FIGHT CRIME: INVEST IN KIDS know from the front lines in the fight against crime—and by taking a hard-nosed look at the research—that high-quality early care and education programs are among the most powerful weapons we have against later crime. As the federal government confronts serious fiscal issues, these investments are particularly essential because they can save tremendous amounts of taxpayer money. As Congress works toward final budget decisions this year, we strongly urge you to prioritize early care and education investments shown by research to give kids the right start in life...

See the long list of signatures in

Strong support for quality early education has come from the most unexpected quarters, i.e. police chiefs from thousands of American counties.

The truth as we see it in Le Beaumont is that early education, esp. from 0 to 2 years, trigger a virtuous cycle leading to success in life.
