
Intelligence develops through play and interaction

Pediatrician Belilovsky says there are several types of intelligence that a parent can work to enhance in their young children: social, linguistic, spatial and numeric. But the most essential tool is parent interaction.

Relying on educational television, apps or computer programs won’t work. Studies show that there is no benefit to intelligence-building programming under the age of three, and Belilovsky calls them a waste of time. Moreover, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends zero screen time for children under age two.


Parents can leverage on quality playgroups to enhance the social, linguistic, spatial and numeric skills of a child.

Le Beaumont is incorporating maths as a language in its English and Putonghua playgroups. A playgroup creates a group dynamic which enhances social skills that can hardly be taught one by one.

Some children do not feel the need to speak up as over enthusiastic carer will guess-speak everything for the child. Children, prompted by an experienced teacher, are more willing to speak up in a play situation in a playgroup.
