
Parenting Debate: Do Tiger Moms Produce Better Results?

The East/West parenting divide was debated at the annual literary and arts festival in Hay-on-Wye this year, with publication of two books that highlight the differences. Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother is an often hair-raising account by Chinese American Amy Chua of how she drilled her two daughters to musical success.

Liz Swatton did not believe in putting pressure on the children Admitting how "in retrospect, these coaching suggestions seem a bit extreme", she recounts how her daughters were denied play dates and sleepovers. The book, written with plenty of humour and irony, caused outrage when it was published in the US.

The second book, Mumsnet Rules, from the UK website's founders, describes itself as offering a "broad spectrum of good enough ways to parent." It includes the deeply reassuring advice: "Don't buy a guinea pig for your child."

Click into the video on an interesting interview with the two authors.


Sam: In Le Beaumont, we develop a third way in child rearing. Infants and toddlers develop their attention span, language skills and problem solving skills, as well as self-discipline, through games and activities they enjoy. They develop a love for languages, a love for learning and in meeting people from the success and enjoyment in their early years. Send your child to Le Beaumont as early as possible, not later than the 3rd month after birth. Find out more in the Parenting Seminar held on Saturday mornings in Admiralty and in TST.
