
Learning begins early, really early

Can a two-month-old baby actually learn? Should we let it learn naturally or should we stimulate it? Reena Silva answers some basic questions

If you have a little baby of between one to three months it is important to understand the developmental changes that are taking place. Between books and websites there is an information overload about physical milestones and growth. However there is very little awareness about brain development.

In India the primary caregiver of the baby is usually the grandmother, with the mother usually being encouraged to rest, recover and regain her strength. The primary caregiver has a very important role to play beyond providing physical care for the newborn. Developmental milestones most often discussed are physical milestones. Doctors almost never touch base with mothers and caregivers on brain development. No one mentions language and communication, listening and understanding nor emotional bonding.

Babies not only grow physically but also mentally (cognitively). Developing bonds of interaction in the beginning months will reflect in establishing bonds of love and trust which in turn set the tone for all future interaction with family and the outside world. Maintaining the physical health of the newborn is crucial but as the weeks go by, babies are actually learning. They are learning about their environment, and every understanding they acquire is actually the creation of new connections and pathways between nerve cells in the brain.

