
For your Holiday Viewing

If you can spare 1 hour, enjoy the following speech by Prof. Patricia Kuhl, with an introduction by Bill Gates.

When does learning begin? When is the best time to learn a foreign language? Can babies learn from DVD?

Prof. Kuhl is a neurologist and an eminent researcher in the field of early brain development and learning at the University of Washington, Seattle. She was invited to speak in a special conference on early development hosted by President Clinton.

Childhood Development: Early Learning, the Brain and Society

If you can spare only 10 minutes, take a look at this video
University of Oregon Changing Brains: Language 9 mins

Find out more at
Parenting Seminar (free)
Early Brain Development & Language Acquisition

Tue 22 Feb, 7p.m. - 8p.m. 5/F, Tower One, Admiralty Centre, HK Tel: 28 66 20 28
Sat 26 Feb, 2:30p.m. - 3: 30p.m. Tseung Kwan O, Tel:2101 0787

Or reserve a place with your friends at sam@beaumont.hk
and confirm by phone after the public holidays.
