
Multiple Intelligence

Dr. Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University redefined the concept of intelligence in his book 'Frames of Mind'1983.

Dr. Howard Gardner believed that intelligence was multifaceted and dynamic - expanding far beyond the linguistic and logical capacities that were traditionally tested and valued in schools. Gardner argued that intelligence consisted of eight relatively autonomous intellectual capacities, namely:

(Provided by MIDAS - Multiple Intelligences Developmental Assessment Scales)


Linguistic sensitivity: skill in the use of words for expressive and practical purposes

Reading: skill in reading

Writing: ability and interest in writing such as poems, stories, books or letters

Speaking: skill in oral communication for persuasion, mnemonics and description


Musical ability: sensitivity to rhythms, pitch, tunes or melody; and the timbre or distinctive tone of a musical piece

Instrument: skill and experience in playing a musical instrument

Vocal: a good voice for singing in tune and along with other people

Appreciation: actively enjoys listening to music


Problem Solving: skill in organization, problem solving and logical reasoning; curiosity and investigation

Calculations: ability to work with numbers for mathematical operations such as addition and division

Ability to perceive: logical patterns and relationships; statements and propositions; functions and complex processes and related abstractions


Imagery: use of mental imagery for observation, artistic, creative, and other visual activities

Artistic Design: to create artistic designs, drawings, painting or other crafts

Construction: to be able to make, build or assemble things


Physical Skill: ability to move the whole body for physical activities such as balancing, coordination and sports

Dancing, Acting: to use the body in expressive, rhythmic and imitative ways

Working with Hands: to use the hands with dexterity and skill for detailed activities and small work


Understanding People: sensitivity to and understanding of other people's moods, feelings and point of view

Getting along with Others: able to maintain good relationships with other people especially friends and siblings

Leadership: to take a leadership role among people through problem solving and influence


Knowing Myself: awareness of one's own ideas, abilities; personal decision making skill

Goal Awareness: awareness of goals and self correction and monitoring in light of a goal

Managing Feelings: ability to regulate one's feelings, moods and emotional responses

Managing Behavior: ability to regulate one's mental activities and behavior


Animal Care: skill for understanding animal behavior, needs, characteristics

Plant Care: ability to work with plants, (i.e., gardening, farming and horticulture)

Science: knowledge of natural living energy forces including cooking, weather and physics

Beaumont observation: All these are acquired skills.
