
What makes Le Beaumont stand out?

How is Le Beaumont Language Centre different?

Le Beaumont has the heart on the development of our future generation. All its programs are research based and evidence based. Babies grow up so fast. Le Beaumont is mindful of the importance of the early months. It arouses babies' sensitivity and interest in languages, curiosity and love of learning, confidence and self-esteem, and the use of senses and the thinking facultly to stimulate brain development.

Aspen's mom has this experience to share.

Since Aspen began she has learnt to crawl, stand and now walk. She learnt to give a high-five from her teachers at le Beaumont and she has learnt to sit and listen attentively and play along with the games. She has also learnt to greet her classmates with kisses and hugs from her older classmates and she learnt how to "au revoir" from her teacher. She loves French and she always stops and listens if she hears anyone speaking French. She also enjoys listen to French baby music and moves her body with the music.

Compared with children her own age she is very advanced. She is not afraid of strangers and she smiles and laughs a lot. She doesn't scare easily and she loves playing with anyone and learning new things. She is unbelievably curious about everything and she will look under a new chair and all around it to see how it works. She has a tremendous amount of energy and she searches the house and learns something new all the time. Many times people have asked my maid about Aspen's age and been shocked when they learnt how young she was because she is so alert and responsive.

I think Le Beaumont TKO is a great school with enthustistic teachers and a friendly and professional staff. Everyone knows my daugter's name and they greet us every time we walk in. The teaching style is very interactive and the children love that they can move around during the lesson. They also vary the tasks for the children a way to keep their interest. Thanks to their wonderful teaching, my daughter shows an affinity to French, I think that is an outcome you cannot buy, and if she speak with a native accent when she gets older that is even more priceless.

Tammy Harris
(Aspen's Mommy)
